Gassy, constipated and fussy baby

Hi mummies, Am a First time mum and am totally in distress. My baby is 2 weeks old and just today she has been crying so loudly and bawling her eyes out, squirming and squeezing/trying to pass motion but she didnt ended up face red, crying non stop. She’s mostly formula fed on enfamil PD (mixed with only 40ml-60ml edm each day due to my ultra low milk supply). We tried massage, ruyi oil but it only works for a short while. Crying got so bad she even puked milk Is this normal or Should i take her to the PD tmr? Thanks!

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Oh dear. It seems like she is constipated. Continue to do tummy massage and ruyi oil. I would recommend that you change formula milk to something with prebiotics and give your baby probiotics like Biogaia to promote a healthy gut.

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Hi My baby have the same issue previously. Might be colic. Because she keep crying n vomit out milk . U can try to get anti colic syrup at guardian or watson.