2 Replies

Hi there! First of all, big hugs to you. It sounds like you've been through quite the rollercoaster. It’s completely understandable to be nervous, especially as a first-time mom. There are a couple of key things to consider here: 1. **Waiting for Labour**: It’s really a gamble. Babies can still turn even at the last minute, but if your baby remains transverse, it could result in an emergency c-section, which is generally more stressful and carries more risks than a planned one. Your gynae is right about the urgency if your water breaks, because the risk of cord prolapse is higher with a transverse baby. If you choose this option, be prepared to rush to the hospital at any sign of labor. 2. **Scheduling a C-Section**: While it's not ideal that your regular gynae will be on leave, another scheduled c-section may be the safer option. Scheduled c-sections tend to have a calmer environment, which can be better for both you and your baby. Recovery can be tough, but having it planned allows you to prepare yourself mentally and physically. As someone who has been through childbirth multiple times, I’d suggest leaning towards the scheduled c-section for peace of mind. The recovery might be challenging, but it’s manageable, especially when planned and supported by your loved ones. Plus, you’ll avoid the added stress of an emergency situation. Remember, whatever decision you make, it’s about what feels right for you and your baby. Trust your instincts and know that you're doing your best. Take care and wishing you a smooth delivery and recovery! https://invl.io/cll6she


i m a cs mom :)

Elective or emergency? How is your experience/recovery ? 😄

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