2 Các câu trả lời

Hi, Good Day to you👋 Congratulation on your first baby! All I can say is, that's normal. Most pregnant lady will have different pregnancy symptoms. Plus there are actually lots of pregnancy symptoms. Most common is morning sickness but what you are having now, bloating and fatigue are the symptoms too. As for myself I've never had morning sickness during my first pregnancy. Alhamdulillah 😊 Mine were bloating, heartburn, cramping, loss of smell sense and others. But was not all the way my journey. As long as there is no spotting/bleeding with severe cramping. If this happens, you need to rush to clinic/hospital. Anyways, take a good care of yourself and enjoy your pregnancy journey 😊🌹

Thank you so much for your kind advice ❤️

Its normal. Going to 6weeks, the symptoms will worsen over the time. As long as there is no bleeding/ spotting until 9-10weeks, you will see the fetus is developing and you can start hearing the baby’s heartbeat. For now, just maintain with healthy lifestyle, drink plenty of water, eat healthy food and try to get enough sleep. Enjoy your pregnancy ya dear. Welcome to parenthood ☺️😘

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