I went kkh for scan at 6 weeks and they perform 2 scans - one is at tummy area and another one is below (to check ovaries). Did they scan at tummy area? My bb hb was seen flickering at the first scan.
I went for a scan at 6w and could only see the yolk sac. Went back at 7w and heard the heartbeat.
When I did my week 6 vagina ultrasound only sac was seen too. It’s very early.
I only heard heartbeat at 11 weeks :)
Heyy, have you encountered any bleeding?
I’m 6 weeks 1 day when i went for my 1st scan. I can see flickering heartbeat. Don’t worry too much, try to relax as much as you can. Just followup with gynae’s appt date to see your progress okay. ♥️