Hi mummy, I dun think u are alone. I'm not first time mum, I have one 3yo girl but.. every pregnancy have it's difference, in this 2nd pregnancy, I keep feeling tired and the feeling of nausea make it worse. I do have a FT job, I sometimes don't even feels like waking up to go work at all but no choice right, I have to force myself. And when everyone in the office talk n laugh, I'm in my world. don't feel like joining in the conversation but I feel as long we are comfortable just let it be. true friend will understand u and still mix with u after this period. it's not what we wants , is the hormones changes that make us this way. I feel it's really ok to meet up w ppl if our v body really dun1.. importantly, our mental health, jiayou babe!~
I feel you. I’m not FTM (my #1 is 3yo this year) but I also very moody recently. And I perpetually tired. Like I can fall asleep in broad daylight while sitting on sofa kind. And my energy level like very low and deplete very fast. Appetite also not good. Keep feeling hungry but eat few spoons will feel very full like having indigestion but awhile later will be hungry again. Plus I also have a full time job and annoying boss. Even my hubs commented that I become very temperamental in the past 1-2 weeks. I think it’s the hormonal changes in our body. Don’t be too hard on yourself.
It must be the hormonal changes in our body during this period, i searched online to eat frequent but small meals. I felt the constant tiredness too! i have a full time job and i find myself dont feel like going to work facing all the colleagues and work stuffs. i feel you. Your mentality state is important now, take enough rest if you need to, find some hobbies if you want to. Its okay not to meet people, im sure they will understand. first time mum too 🙌🏽 you are not alone!
Hello fellow first time mummy! I feel you - i don’t have any motivation to go out and meet people or even leave the bed… I have to drag myself out of bed just because I have a puppy and he depends on me. It’s very normal so hang in there! It’s okay to just stay home and rest up because our bodies are experiencing so many changes right now ❤️ lots of hugs!!
Take care too, first time mummy! Yes, my dog is also what keeps me waking up every morning, else she will starve 😥 May our dogs help us to fight on during this challenging period
hugss...you just described my life as well, I used to love 5km night walks, now I can barely walk more than 300m without a rest...dehydration is also another issue..
Jiayou! I can’t wait till the end of the first tri…
I’m also very moody this week. I also feel very tired, first time mum too. Maybe we can form a group chat.
yes me too feeling same . & staying alone all day. if you are forming any group pls let me know too.
glad to read that i’m not the weird one. first time mum here 🥹