3 Replies

Is he cranky because he is teething or colic ? Try give him some grip water ? Or rub some oil on him before putting him to sleep .. Does baby have sleep routine ?

Since birth he is already cranky and fussy because he is on antibiotics as i am group b strep positive. His gut is not strong as being given antibiotics in the hospital. He have reflux and gassy stomach. So all this while his been having sleeping issue and i gave him probiotics till now. In order to comfort him i need to rock and cradle him to sleep. That is why till now he doesn't know how to self soothe. Tried to do sleep training but he cried a lot. Dunno whether its his stomach giving problem or not. Usually his bedtime is around 830pm and he will wake up around 530am. His nap time also varies as he is a light sleeper. Did rub him with yu yee oil but still the same. Only sleeping he is having issue whereby i really need to rock him.

I have no such experience. But see if this is helpful to you. https://sg.theasianparent.com/establishing-a-bedtime-routine

Try a Warm bath before sleep

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