Back pain/strain back

hi mummies! my edd is on 13/11, so far there is no water bag breaking, mucus pug, contractions etc.. but my back is killing me. like when i got up in bed, i had to slowly bend and walk a few steps to straighten my back up. i felt my back strain. is this normal? am i really close to labour? #soontobeamom

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Mayb u wanna let ur gynae noe? My edd is at end of nov but i dun have issues with my back.. my last preg i had tail bone pain n i had bloody discharge for wks before i went into labour

8mo trước

Haha i m ok. Thou my tummy is big.. my gynae asst cannot tahan i just sit up without turning myself after i lie to do my scan.. gynae n asst cannot tahan i walk so fast 😰 pple ard me more worried than me