Pregnant Glucose Sugar blood test

hi mummies! does anyone encounter this?? a nurse took my 2ND Glucose blood test on that spot.,it really painful!! to me is not accurate and i'm not happy with it. as u can see my 1st fasting glucose blood test the nurse took it correct on the middle spot on my left arm. all my life., this is the 1st time i saw a nurse taking a blood test this way. instead of taking the right arm fr the 2nd blood test she just squeeze in the veins and just poke it. should i REDO my glucose test results??😡#pleasehelp #advicepls #pregnancy

Pregnant Glucose Sugar blood test
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There's no "correct" place as there are multiple veins and the nurse cannot poke same spot/vein repeatedly. Nurse every day also draw blood, so are well trained and professional in it. If can draw blood, then the results will be accurate. No need to redo the test unless u vomit.

3y trước

thkz u fr yur answer.