Pregnant Glucose Sugar blood test

hi mummies! does anyone encounter this?? a nurse took my 2ND Glucose blood test on that spot.,it really painful!! to me is not accurate and i'm not happy with it. as u can see my 1st fasting glucose blood test the nurse took it correct on the middle spot on my left arm. all my life., this is the 1st time i saw a nurse taking a blood test this way. instead of taking the right arm fr the 2nd blood test she just squeeze in the veins and just poke it. should i REDO my glucose test results??😡#pleasehelp #advicepls #pregnancy

Pregnant Glucose Sugar blood test
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If you pass your test alr then no need to put yourself through the pain of being poked again

3y trước

yup2 hope so.,cause i not yet received any call.,