3 Replies

Perhaps you can try Huggies Naturemade/Platinum or Merries. So far this is the good brand that prevent leakage. You can either use pants/tape wherever you think suits you. And before bedtime to ensure baby's full after milk session, change diaper before bedtime and if like you mentioned he wakes up middle night,you change. However, please be advise on the other hand it is not recommended to change diaper after more than 3 to 5 hrs to avoid rashes and nappy blister.

Hi mama! I recommend Huggies Naturemade too. It’s been good for my baby so far and can last the entire night. My baby turned 7 months last week and same as you, baby is still waking up every 1-2 hours to latch so I feel you!!!! She can’t even sleep 3h stretch haha. But we’ve got this and one day our baby will be sleeping through the night. Let’s keep trying and have faith!

Oh my, a fellow mama in the same boat as I am 🥺 Thank you for the recommendation and kind words!! 💗

Mine uses rascal and friends. Didn’t change for 12 hours and it’s quite full but no leaks so far..

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