
Hi mummies and daddies, I wanna know when the best time to remove mitten for little one? He coming 3 month in 8 days time.

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Actually the prenatal class said after 6weeks as baby little hands & fingers will be growing so no need for them anymore.

Thành viên VIP

U can remove the mittens at 3 months now. This is to allow lo to start exercising his fingers movement and muscle. :)

6y trước

Ya I know cause he got another dangling thumb, that mean another thumb of his right hand. So I’m wondering will it affect him not

Thành viên VIP

I removed only after 2. 5 months after I heard that it is good to let them explore their fingers. Lol

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I was told by nurse to be remove ard 3mth old for them to explore their face

6y trước

So I just take off? I’m wondering the dangling thumb will affect him anot

Super Mom

You can remove after 1 month.. I remove after 2 months

Super Mom

Can remove le... after 1 mth can remove it

You can remove after 1 months

Super Mom

I heard can remove after 1 month

6y trước

Oh okay, cause he got another thumb on his right hand so thinking how it is

Thành viên VIP

Between 2 to 3 months

Thành viên VIP

After 3 months