How would you know?

Hi mummies, Just curious. How would you know if your tiny one inside is growing well , properly and safe + sound if you cant feel their movements inside? Esp if youre still in your first trimester..? Im 10w5d today and i Just recovered (hopefully! Fingers crossed) from hyperemsis since 3days ago.. Was ever told that having hyperemesis isnt really a bad thing cos its one of the signs that baby is healthy and good inside. Now that ive recovered, it got me thinking "so, how do i know if baby is doing well inside now ?" 😅

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For me I will try not to worry about unnessary things. The more worried I am, the more negative I will think plus I'm one with anxiety disorder who overthinks. So I will try to relax and be calm and bed rest myself. Sleep as much as I can. My miscarriage last yr made me learn to rest when I should be. Try not to do heavy chores especially during your 'fragile' period which is the 1st tri. Pregnancy symptoms comes and goes so don't worry about it as long as there is no bleeding, your baby will fine inside 😊 For first time mums, you'll only feel your baby's movements between 20 to 24 weeks. Not the kicking kind of movements but more to flutters or poppings. You'll feel the kicks at a later stage. For subsequent pregnancies like mine, I felt flutters from 10th week and can feel the heartbeat when I put my hand on my tummy but at a later stage for this. The folic acid is very important for your baby so don't forget to take it daily. Rest well and think positive.

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First trim usually won’t feel any movement from your baby. In fact I only really feel my baby’s movement when I’m 20weeks pregnant. If you’re worried if your baby is growing or safe, you might want to visit your gynae and request for a scan to check. That’s what I did when I recover from food poisoning when I’m 15weeks pregnant. I schedule an appointment with my gynae and he did a scan for me.

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To be honest, nothing much can be done. You just have to trust your body and your baby knows what to do 🥰 Do some light prenatal yoga and listen to positive pregnancy affirmations. It’s good for the pregnancy when mother is relax and calm, and reassured. It’s worth to try ❤️

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I have similar thoughts too. Even now, at my second trimester. My first pregnancy too. I think the more I read here the more I worry because we tend to compare 😁 In my case my baby is a little slower too. I started feeling his kicks and movements from week 21

It happened to me last week too. Suddenly no more vomiting or nauseous and feel completely fine. But i still dont have any appetite. 3 days later, hyperemesis came back. 😅

u cant feel that in ur early stage,,maybe in 2nd tri u can feel its movement.

As long as there is no bleeding, it should be fine.