6 Replies

i remembered i cried in front of the mirror after i stop bf my first kid. It just get smaller n smaller for no reason, softer n softer and its just a one lump meat dangling there. I dont use push up at all until i have no choice to get push ups after i stop bf my first kid. push up is a must after that ! get better bra (S) , it will help a little . u need to take WHILE to see it improve. And also , if u r slimming down further, it will get smaller further . Its normal . I bf my second kid and pregnant with 3rd one now. its a lump of meat there again . Worse. no growth like the last time when i was pregnant with no 2. i had friends going for boob job.

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im sorry for laughing. i can imagine mine now after giving birth.. even my bra size now dont fit and im always free the boobies because its too heavy and such a nuisance to wear a bra.🤣

Mine is flabby. Lol. I just laugh at them. Sigh.

Definitely not alone. I am considering it too! :)

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