3m/o sleeping 6-7 hours at night

Hi Mummies! My baby is almost 3 months old and recently he has started sleeping 6-7 hours straight at night. is this normal? should i worry?

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Hi Mummy, my boy is 2 months and he at times sleeps 4 - 8 hours at night, i only carry him to my bed to change diapers every 3 hours and didn't feed him until he wants it

u r blessed.... how i wish my almost 3 mths old dont be such an alarm clock and wake up 4 to 4.5 hours in the middle of the night

Influencer của TAP

wow that's great you should feel happy your baby can sleep thru the night at such a young age. nothing to worried about.

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I guess you dont have to worry anything just make sure to feed him every 4hrs even he is asleep.

4y trước

hi mummy best is to let baby sleep and wait for their cue to feed instead of waking them up to feed.