Yu Yee Oil
Any mummies here apply yu yee oil on their LO’s tummy since birth? Or is it safer to use it only when they’re bigger, say 3mo? Let me know please. TIA! :)

I use it after her belly button falls off. I don't apply direct. I put 1-2 drops on my palm and rub then apply to lo tummy
Use A lil bit when newborn. Rub on your palm then put on bby tummy. Im still using it till now. My bby 8mths old now
My 3kids all use yu yee oil. They love it when my inlaw rub on her hands and transfer the warm to their tummy...
Been using since birth.. but must apply to ur own palm and spread first before apply.. just few drops will do
Hi... I used yu yi old on my baby from 1 month onwards. It’s effective to keep ‘wind’ away
I only use it when she's around 2 - 3 Months, and only a little bit cos scared too agitating
I prefer using Inara organics digestif. Less harsh for baby’s skin ◡̈
We use it too. Apply small amount on baby’s tummy after bath.
I uses it but was too hot for bb skin. So I stopped
I only use it for my bb aft their cord fall off.