7 Replies

from 12weeks onwards my gynae stop me from folic acid and prescribed me with prenatal vitamins which already have folic acid. are you taking prenatal vitamins now?

its okay maybe u can stop now just continue with prenatal ☺️

same as prev replies. doc told me to stop folic acid after 12 weeks and gave me prenatal vitamins, which alr contained the required amt of folic acid.

you're not taking prenatal vitamins? usually week 13 onwards doc will give prenatal no more folic acid cause inside prenatal already have folic acid.

Do check with your gynae. You shld be on prenatal vitamins. My gynae recommended to stop folic acid and prescribe obimins (vit) since 12 / 13 week.

I stopped folic from week 13 n doctor prescribed prenatal vitamins n fish oil. but the prenatal vitamins contain some folic too.

gynae told me to stop when i reached second trimester. he prescribed prenatal vit, calcium and fish oil for me.

My gynae stop me i tink in 2nd trim and started me on prenatal vits.

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