Clarins Treatment Oil

Hello! Mummies, anyone here had used Clarins Treatment Oil consistently (every single day like from 3/4 weeks pregnant to till delivery AND yet still get stretchmarks? Wonder if it’s really worth to get another bottle as I have finished 1 bottle and now at 22 weeks.. or just used other brands.. was told by Clarins best to finish using in 6 months. This Clarins oil really does absorbs well and smells nice!

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I use Mustela and right now at 35 weeks, so far no stretch marks yet but it can happen anytime I think. my friend used clarins during pregnancy and she has stretch marks even though she used it diligently starting from her 2nd trimester. I think it's more of genetics, if your family/mom has it you will likely get it. my mum has it so I guess I am preparing myself eventually if I'll have it too.

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I have been using Clarins oil for 10yrs prior ttc. I think its depends on genes and how much weight are put on. I thought its works but during last trimester when I really get heavy and the bump drop getting ready for childbirth, stretchmarks suddenly appeared!! I put on 13.5kg then. My sis she used Clarins oil once pregnant, she put on 7kg only, no stretchmarks at all.

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Hi mama, i would get another bottle because you can still get stretch marks AFTER birth. I had new stretch marks growing days after I gave birth. There’s no guarantee whether you will still get stretch marks even if you used it diligently because genetics plays a part too. Anyways…. My stretch marks only appeared at week 38 🥲

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Hi I used a combo of Clarins and Bio Oil alternately. Still no stretch marks at almost 35 weeks but I heard a lot has to do with genetics too and my sis doesn’t have any stretch marks after 2 babies either. I would still say it’s worth getting another bottle since u will need it more as you process further in your pregnancy

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im using clarins diligently every day and night for stretchmarks... i thought it worked for me but starting at week 33 my stretchmarks were so obvious😭 before week 33 there was only minimal stretchmarks.. im so disappointed lol but i guess it cant be helped..

Hi I’ve been using since I found out I’m Pregnant at 3 weeks. Diligently apply twice a day and my stretch mark is super bad… guess a lot of due to genetics

Saw on tik tok. Maybe you do research a bit to see if it works. I took a screenshot in case I need it after giving birth. Currently I m using Bio-oil 😅

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3y trước

If anyone tries and it works, can you share an update here? 😁

I'm using Clarins body partner and bio-oil. 37 weeks tomorrow and zero stretch mark yet. Would high suggest to continue! :)