8 Replies

I feel you mommy! I’m currently 37weeks, baby kicking and moving non stop. All the heartburn, breathless, body aches and heat etc comes in a package. Haha but hang on!! We are almost there! Just imagine cuddling your bundle of joy soon. Hehe i usually distract myself from feeling uncomfortable is to see baby products and do some shopping therapy to sayang myself. 😅

Ooh I remember the sensation when I was in my third tri. It will stretch all the way till after you give birth 😫 But this too shall pass. Hang in there 😮‍💨💪🏼

Yes please hang on. Count down to few more weeks to celebrate our victory. All efforts will be paid off.

I felt the hotness in my third trimester previously! One day i can bathe 2 times at least..

yes feeling exactly the same!!! so hot, sweaty and breathless easily!!

Yes melting every single day, especially my inner thighs! 38+4 now

yes. i felt that way too.


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