Toddler’s leg

Hi mummies, anyone encounter this before? I’m not sure what is it. It grow on my boy’s knee part. Went to the doctor and was given a cream but after a week of application still have it and it grows a little more “dots”. What should i do? Thanks in advance 🙏🏻

Toddler’s leg
3 Replies
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My son had this on his tummy. I applied A for Apothecary’s Baby Oat Balm for almost a week. It gets better each day.

4y trước

Thanks! Will try that!

Thành viên VIP

if the cream doesn't help then best to bring your baby to the pediatrician

Thành viên VIP

Looks like eczema. Any new detergent? Or clothes?

4y trước

Hi, not sure isit eczema as pd say it’s allergic or dirty. But using the cream doesn’t help. No new detergent or clothes. But recently went to childcare.