2 Replies

1) can do, (2) can’t. baby and you will follow your ward choice made before delivery and no switching. what’s your rationale to switch back to subsidized? But you do know that regardless of sub or private, the delivery suite doesn’t differ? everyone goes to the same suite for delivery. the difference comes after delivery, in the ward stays. Class A ward only applies after delivery, there’s no ‘delivery in class A ward’. So if you want to stay in A ward, it’s under private rate.

Oh yes I meant A Ward stay after delivery, wasn’t clear

I think you can only switch to subsidize if your baby is admitted to SCN or NICU. That’s what happened to my twins. On day of admission i chose B1 class which is private then my twins got admitted to SCN and KKH asked if i want to downgrade them to C class. But otherwise any follow ups with your gynae will continue as private patient.

I was also on subsidized route until the day of admission. When my twins was admitted to SCN, the hospital asked if i want to downgrade them to C class because it will cost me a bomb. It should be the same with NICU too. Anyway, KKH is very accommodating. If you run into any financial issues, just explain to them and they’ll be happy to work out something for you.

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