6 Replies

it hurt to pee for first few days, wear kotex overnight panties all the way. cooling pads will be your best friend, won’t sting but very nice feeling. perineal spray will give a bit of relief

It hurts to pee or poo. I use cooling pad/home made ice pack to reduce swell. To heal better I did sitz bath with epsom salt/warm water, twice a day. It help to heal your stitches faster.

Normal delivery, no pain at all for pee or poo. Perineal spray made it worse for me (I don’t like it) so I just use warm or cold water to wash. Doesn’t sting or hurt.

I also had normal delivery and so far i didnt encounter any pain feeling of pooping or peeing after delivered my baby 😂

I had vaginal delivery. No pain peeing or pooping.. but the fear was there lol

this is for normal vaginal delivery or caesarean sect?

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