3 Replies

actually....please please please do not have this guilt! i spoonfed my baby and now almost 10 months! as long as baby is eating fine, why not? i slowly let her hold food like biscuits, pancakes, breads. but when it comes to rice/noodles/pastas, i'd still feed her. babies will eventually learn how to eat on their own. don't stress it out okay! even if socmed thinks you should!

Ah! Your reply makes me feel so relaxed babe! Thank you so much! He loves to eat but if I try to give food to him in his hands, he will just play with it and throw it but won’t bring it to his mouth. Glad to know that eventually babies will eat on their own. Thanks mama

Why worry? I was a spoon fed baby and now my mom wished that I could eat lesser 🤣 My baby is also 9mo. I imagined blw but in the end I feed her and I’m loving it. She eats snacks like biscuits and puffs on her own. I wouldn’t worry cause come on, who wouldn’t learnt to feed him or herself one day?

Okay thank you so much then I won’t worry too much now and will continue feeding him

It will come one day that they will fight to feed themselves 😂 i tried blw when he was 1years old but he was playing and too slow, now he just went to school PG class i think the teachers teach him, at home he fight to feed himself he doesnt like when we feed him

Good them eventually he will learn. Not taking any more guilt!

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