Stressed about delivery

Hi mummies, on my 39th week check up my gynae had to insert her finger in me to check for dilation. This is something ive always been uncomfortable with, its just my natural reflex to tense up and gynae wasnt able to check at all. This is getting me all stressed up, to the point where im not even scared about the actual labour/delivery as compared to the idea of my gynae constantly checking for dilation :( #advicepls any other mummies who is facing or has faced the same situation?

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Super Mom

Hi Momma. Yes!!! i hated it, i felt like a stuffed chicken lol. You can try doing what i did. Whenever she/he does that procedure, just relax and divert your attention on your baby rather then the procedure. I placed my focus on how and what position baby is in. Tell your doctor that u are really scared of this procedure and hope she will be a little gentler and quick. My obgyn was really easy to talk to. Hope urs is too.

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Normal. I've had multiple pregnancies and still felt that way. I had to hold on to the side of the bed tight because it's very uncomfortable but not as uncomfortable and painful as membrane sweep. Labour is much, much, much painful than any of that.