Sleep for awhile

Hi mummies! My 3 weeks old son will only sleep for atleast 10mins not even 30mins or an hour during the day and will cry alot at night. Help need advice! TIA.

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Google wake windows for newborns and follow it religiously. You should see results soon. If I’m not wrong newborn’s wake window is only around 45 mins to an hour. I only found out about this after my nanny left at 6 weeks. Prior to that my son kept crying in the evening and I thought it was colic, but end up it’s because he is overly tired. Nanny advised not to let baby sleep from 3 plus 4 pm so that baby can sleep at night. That was an absolute mistake as baby was already overly tired by then since bedtime was at 7 plus. So please try to follow wake windows and see if your situation improves

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2y trước

does it mean for the entire day, NB should stay awake only for 45mins to an hour? or any time theyre awake, it's 44mins to an hour? when you say bedtime at 7+, is this when u prepare NB to be in a dimly litted room with minimal sound, ready for sleep?