3 Replies

my lo was like yours at that age. she was going thru a growth spurt n afterwards she still cant sleep. what i found helpful was not to let her stay awake for more than 1.5hrs at a time, meaning if she wakes at 1pm, by 2.30pm i will put her to sleep. try to keep the awake time from 50min to 1.5hrs. it helped alot as she was not overtired n night time she was alot more peaceful.

does she take pacifiers?

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She may be going through a leap so it is a passing phase. Hang in there! Try to swaddle her, keep the room cool and dark when it’s nap/sleep time, turn on consistent white noise to see if it could help soothe her. You can also use a baby carrier to baby wear her so that she is comforted and can sleep

Growth spurts can affect Try to calm her down Try placing her on your chest and pat her gently Listening to your heartbeat and getting your smell will eventually calm her down

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