Sleeping On Tummy

Hello Mummies, my 1.5 months LO had been sleeping on her tummy since last week. Initially i thought she had issue sleeping alone, but realised she doesnt like to sleep on her back. Its like a 1 hour vs 3.5 hours sleep.. Elderly says it's okay to sleep on her tummy. But i read online that its not recommended. Can mummies pls advise if your LO is the same, or anything can i do?!

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Super Mom

It’s strongly advised that your LO doesn’t sleep on the tummy. It’s one of the major causes of sudden infant death syndrome. I totally feel you about the difference in sleep durations. My LO had major issues with sleeping on her back too. But I just kept training her, and now she can do up to 4 hours on her back (it used to be 15 minutes 😭). So I hope you’ll consider sticking to placing baby on her back for her safety ❤️

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