Try to shower baby when he is not hungry or tired? Maybe he cried cos he was hungry or wanted to sleep? I squat down to shower my baby with the tub on the floor . In my opinion , i think the stand would only affect the ones showering the baby? So no much diff if your shower routine stays the same for baby ba ..
Also, can try to lightly wrap the baby (just use a thin towel or swaddle blanket to cover baby body) and hold the baby when washing baby face and head . Then unwrap the towel a little to dab some water on his chest to let him know he gna be in water soon . Then remove him from the towel / swaddle and slowly put him down in the tub to wash the body. My baby likes to go in water so i usually skip the dabbing water part haha cos she will start to cry if she i wash her head for too long and stops crying immediately once she touches water. Let us know of he still cries after trying these!
Also , my baby used to come out of shower crying badly . I reduced the temp of the water a little to make it like room temp water and it seems to stop . Maybe if u use too warm water to shower baby , baby might feel cold when they r out ? Hmm
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