Catheter After delivery
Hi, any mum experienced carry catheter home after delivery? I’m unable to pee 😭

Hello Mummy, I stay in the hosp for 3 days after delivery cause couldnt sensation of bladder full. I was in catheter for 30 days . The Doctor said that my bladder sort of went into "coma" since baby head kept pressing the bladder during labour so my bladder "relaxed". Every week I went to the hosp once to remove the catheter and try to pee of no pee had to return back with catheter on. Do relax dear mummy if u are stressed will not do good. Like my doctor advised just relax do not worry once the bladder recovers auto can pee. Some can pee very fast Mine took 30 days 😪 Thankfully could pee. So now everything normal. Had my 2nd baby last year Aug . didnt have any problem with peeing :) Every pregnancy is different do not let this small hurdle scare you dear mummy. You can do it. Stay Safe And Take Care🙂
Read moreI had this issue as well and I wore the catheter for close to a month. at the hospital I have no urge to pee at all although my bladder was really full. Every week have to go to the clinic to remove catheter to try to pee and if failed have to go back to hospital to insert the catheter, it's quite traumatising for me that time because I have never heard such thing happen before to anyone. but don't worry ultimately your bladder will recover. the urogynae assured me that bladder is a v forgiving organ. take care and get well soon
Read moreThank you very much for your words and encouragement. Yahh I’m still in the middle of recovery. And good thing is at least can pee now 😀 take care too!
Me! I brought it back home for less than a week, went back to the clinic to be removed n realized I can pee already. The sensation of peeing only come back gradually over the next few days though. Just try to relax, you got this!
Nope, when on catheter, the pee just automatically flow.. wouldn’t have any urge to pee.
Hi… anyone able to still share their experience with me as im facing this issue and am very lost and depressed as its been almost 3 weeks :”( not sure if anyone is still active here but just trying my luck… :(
Not for me, but i do face that after delivery and my gynae told me is because the epidural haven't totally gone yet that is why i am facing such issue but on my 2nd day I can go into the toilet and pee already.
Don’t worry, dear. Your body just needs to rest a bit, then when they see you in clinic and remove the catheter, you should be able to pee:)
Household goddess of 2 playful little heart throb