How to handle a mother in law

My mother in law is always hoping my son won't be close to me... since young until now he is two. She really constantly saying hurting words like your mummy walk away, you smile. Then yesterday my son didn't wait for me and walk away with my father in law, she will make comment like see he left.... and give a smile like very happy he left without me.... I really don't know what's wrong with her. I don't even know how to trust her with my son... its to the point I don't want to see her..... I really feel so stress being around her.#advicepls #firstbaby #firstmom #pleasehelp

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if it's me I will ask her why she has to make such comments. and if her answer is anything along the lines of trying to prove my son isn't close to me, I will ask her why she thinks like that. must dig further. maybe she dont want you to be close to your son cos she doesnt like you? or maybe she wasnt close to her son (your husband) so she hopes you'll not have a good relationship with your son? if after telling her I hope for her not to do that, and she still continues trying to make me feel bad or sabotage my relationship with my son, I will limit her from interacting with my son. I rather hire a helper to take care of my child and have a bad relationship with my in-laws than to let them ruin my relationship with my child

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6mo trước

Sorry but your husband needs to grow a pair when it comes to defending his wife. Yes mother is like that but the wife is clearly unhappy and he doesn’t do anything??? You and your husband need to sit down and talk.