When does your nausea or morning sickness stop? Nearing week 13 but still vomitting.

I am in my week 13 too and still feel nauseous as well. But I notice now only vomit at specific timing rather than anytime throughout the day. Hopefully things r getting better 😊
I had morning sickness for 5 months for my 1st pregnancy. My mom had it throughout pregnancy when she was pregnant with me. I guess it varies from pregnancy to pregnancy.
After 1st trimester. 2nd trimester the morning sickness will slowly go away. some moms will just have morning sickness til they give birth. 😔
Week 16 now still feeling nausea which is triggered by certain food and smell, keep burping out lots of gas too.
mine went away at 21 weeks. different for eveey pregnancy. hopefully yours will be gone soon :)
It stopped around week 15 for me
Throughout first trimester 🫠
around week 15-16
up to 7 mths