Food that you dislike most during pregnancy

My morning sickness is getting better. I can eat better without vomiting. But there is still one food that I cannot accept, not that I will vomit if I eat it but the taste of it turns me off. It is FISHBALL or FISHCAKES! I used to like them. Any food you mamas beginning to dislike?

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I can't stand mushrooms, which are usually one of my favourite food

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I only can’t stand fish. Especially sensitive to the smell

Seafood used to loveeeee them now 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮

Oh my dear, none!! On wonder I put on weight so fast. 😂

Garlic! Anything with garlic in it makes me nausea!

Thr's a period where i dislike and cannot eat rice.

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Mine was fishball & strawberry milk!!!

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I don’t like the smell of milk

Mushrooms and sweet stuff

I love all unhealthy food