Keep losing weight

My morning (all day) sickness is so soo bad. I've been on diclectin and it has been making me sleep throughout. I can't even eat proper food. Can't even have protein (white/red meat or fish). Only carb. I feel so guilty for not giving enough nutrition for my baby. And within 2 weeks, I've lost 2kg. Im at my 9weeks now. Is this even normal? 😢

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It’s quite normal to lose weight during the 1st trimester. I lost 4kg for my 1st trimester due to morning sickness and it continued to the whole of my 2nd trimester, taking Diclectin up till week 30. Same like u, I grew dislike for meat (regardless of red/white or fish), garlic/onion smell, cooking smell.. the only things I could take was fruits, carbs, sweet stuff and dried stuff like nuts and crackers. But later on I was diagnosed with GDM at week 27, which I had to force myself to eat healthy. Till now I still wonder if I had eaten healthier, could I have avoided getting GDM.. From then on, I didn’t gain back any weight and was in deficit from my pre-pregnancy weight. Raised that up to doctor and they assure that it’s all good as long as baby is healthy and growing well. So my suggestion is to take your vitamins and try to eat healthier in 2nd trimester onwards. Take baby steps to re-introduce more variety of food into your meals.

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