Habit of lying

A month ago, i found out my partner lied and kept something from me. He had wanted to call his ex wife regarding property they were trying to get rid of under their names. I had requested for him to make th phone call in front of me, which he agreed to. When the bill came, i found out he made 2 phone calls to her prior to the one he made in my presence. He confessed to it when I confronted him. His reason was he didn’t want me to get upset so he had arranged the phone calls to be short and as decent as can be. This isn’t the first time. I have lived my life for 3 years putting up with his constant “hiding” things from me (ostensibly to protect and not hurt me with the truth) hence such request to be present when the call was made. He even cheated on me 3 years ago and i forgave him and moved on. He does have a habit of lying and keeping things from me - these had happened at least once every 2 months for the past 3 yrs. This is a pretty minor mistake compared to him sleeping with another woman, but this time round, I noticed myself hating him each and every day. I hate it when he touches me, hugs me or even talk to me. I have never once felt this way towards him despite him treating me the way he did. Not helping that I have a child who loves him deeply and I found out i was pregnant before i found out about the phone call. What do i do now? Is there a chance that I could salvage this or have I reached my limit? I don’t know if i am hurt or if this means i have had enough of his bs.

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I will take a few days without him to think understand and decide.