7 Replies

i didnt had any during pregnancy. but feet start to swell about 2nd day onwards after giving birth. was super swollen until after a few days of continuous post partum massage

I didn’t have any bloat/swollen feets during and after pregnancy. Some mummies do experience swollen feet (water retention) after birth instead.

swollen feet since probably late second trimester. Had a couple of weeks of pregnancy nose,but thankfully it went away around week 34 by itself.

Swollen feet at 37weeks here!! Feel like a mother duck and sometimes mother penguin!! Like the doctor say, the more you walk the better it is!

Hi. :) not really I didn't swell up till post partum. While I was recovering, then my feet started to swell prolly bcos of water retention.

beginning of second trimester had bloated nose. swollen feet started around the same time. my swollen feet got worse in third trimester..

Izzit a boy? I didn’t have preg nose when I’m carrying a boy 😄😄

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