yogurt asli yg expired

Hello mommy, sy tgh pregnant 14 weeks. Sy selalu suka makan yogurt dgn nasi. Tapi sy x perasaan yogurt dh expired pada 6 /10 ni.. Baru arini perasaan yogurr dh expired.. Sy tgk ade cam fungal hijau kat tepi bekas yogurt tapi dlm yogurt xde pape.. Sy nk tanye ade pape kesan buruk x utk baby kalo mkn yogurt yg expired ni.. Risau.. ?pls share opinion..

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I aslo eat the expired yogurt only two spoon then i saw the expired date alrdy... How you handle it? It is fine??

Must be more careful next time yea mommy..banyakkan minum air masak..

5y trước

Ok mummy..