8 Các câu trả lời

Hai deq.. Samalah akk pn masa doktor ckp akk suspect pp type 3,masa tu stress sngt doktor srh g pakar scan semula.. Akk x pergi akk buat senaman tuk naikkan uri.. kwn akk yg pernh msk hospital sbb pp ajar, katanya doktor kat hospital yg ajar dia. Masa tu dia duk hspl sbln sbb pp ni.. Alhamdulillah 2hari lps tu akk g scan Semula uri dah naik jauh.. Kne rehat banyak masa tu, jgn buat kje sngt, buat exercise tu sekerap yg boleh.. Jgn paksa bdn.. Kne relax jgn stress.. Caranya :baring kaki naik tegak rapat ke dinding punggung alas bantal kecik yg agak tebal.. Buat dlm30mnt.. Akk buat 3 kali sehari msa tu.. Bila dh ok ni.. Jarang akk buat.. Sbb nk bg baby pusing balik kepala lak ats ni.. 😅😅.. Sabar jer la.. 31weeks pregnancy.. 😘 😘

Boleh search kat utube..

Hi mummy..my 1st pregnancy i had PP Type 2 ard the same weeks like yours and have to bed rest at the hospital right away for almost 2 months. No choice i guess..just for the sake of the baby and yourself. What you can do to prevent from bleeding is that: 1. Dont do house chores 2. NO SEX with your partner at all !! (sabar and tahan je la for months) 3. Jangan kerap turun naik tangga 4. Lotsa bed rest 5. InshaAllah if adr rezeki placenta u naik balik. Mine xnaik2 dh bed rest kt hospital pon still bleeding and had emergency czer at week 37😅 Stay strong mummy.. jgn pegi mengurut just nk naikkan placenta blk. Take Care Mummy😘

Not bad at all i must say.. Government hospital lagi (Putrajaya). Dont worry too much. yes mmg down bila dpt news mcm ni. Just stay positive, dgn dugaan mcm ni nnt inshaAllah bila u nak deliver and handle your baby akan dipermudahkan😎. I'm abt to have another czer next week for 2nd pregnancy (my choice to go for czer again).⚡

I pun masa 28weeks doc cakap PP stage 1 sbb uri kat bawah and baby songsang. Alhamdulillah now dah masuk 35 weeks, uri dah ke atas and baby head down . Banyakkan berdoa and sujud lama sis. InsyaAllah dalam bulan Ramadan ni doa kita semua dimakbulkan.

Awww, alhamdulillah, good to hear that :’) hopefully it happen to me too. May Allah ease your delivery process ya 💖💖

VIP Member

Yes it is possible. As your baby grow the placenta sometimes will move up. Doa bnyk2 ye mummy. Don't worry too much. Bnyk je case placenta previa nowadays

Yes heard that too, first timer mommy to be worried too much i guess 🙁 Thank you dr for the concern! ♥️💋 insyaAllah doa for the best..

VIP Member

Hi sis. Ini sedikit panduan tentang plasenta previa. Mungkin ada yg berguna untuk anda: https://my.theasianparent.com/uri-dibawah-plasenta-previa

Same with me, I’m 16 weeks now. Hoping that miracle will happen to us. Aminnn !

InsyaAllah, together we pray the best for both of us. 16 weeks still early insyaAllah theres still hope. May Allah ease for you 🌹

VIP Member

jgn bhnti bharap sis .. truskan bdoa... smoga dpermudahkan

Thank you sis :) insyaAllah..


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