It depends where you are heading for the vacation. If you are going to any hill station, then I suggest take enough warm clothes, warmers, inner warm clothes. Take extra clothes as well, as you never know, if the payjama gets soiled by mistake so it will be difficult to look around in the new place. Take enough diapers and hand towels in your carry bag that you will keep with you all the time. Since, he is being breastfed, you need not to worry about taking bottles or formula milk. Take little baby blanket too along with you.
But if you are heading to South, then you do not have to carry warm clothes either. Just make sure you are carrying all the essential clothes, diapers, and once I would suggest make a visit to the baby's paediatrician and ask him about what all you should be mindful about and if any medicine there need be to carry with you.
Take rattler or the toy he has become fond of being around him. If possible take a carry cot/pram, which you can carry and keep anywhere so that you do not have to carry him all the time.