Is epidural suggested??!!

Hi Mommies, I'm gonna be a first-time mom soon. Due in a-month time. Despite being told about the unbearable labor pain, I'm still hesitating about having epidural, after reading several cases of mishaps. Could you please share with me how was your experience? Thanks so much!

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Super Mom

Just go for it. I did not want it at first... But the labour pain was unbearable.. Epidural saved me.

Thành viên VIP

I had experience with epidural. It was all right. It wasn’t as bad as what pple mentioned. :)

Yes if you have low pain tolerance. I had painless labour and delivery because of epidural

Thành viên VIP

too painful that I took epidural in the end, everything went on smoothly after that

Super Mom

My wife did epidural for both kids. Ok

You can opt without and add in later.

4y trước

Thank you for the suggestion :)

Thành viên VIP

Epidural was my life saver (:

4y trước

Thanks for sharing :)

Thành viên VIP

See how it goes