3 Các câu trả lời

you need to check back with your contract if there's anything that had to do with pregnancy. usually you will kena for hiding/falsifying crucial information like this. you have to understand that pregnant workers are entitled for maternity leaves, but since you just started working with them and you might need maternity leave before your probation period ends, that would be a concern for your employer because you need long day off but had just started working with them. if you are 3 months and below pregnant, it is ok to say that you don't know you are pregnant, because it is normal. but if 5 months and above, it might raise suspicion to them that you didn't realize that you are pregnant. what you can do now is ask advise from your HR department or employer, you can appeal and convince them to not let you go, since you are still in probation period, they could let you go. please don't be insincere, employer appreciate honest employees as it is hard to find honest people to work with now, if they know that employees is lying and trying to cover lies with another lies, they would stay off from those kind of employees because they simply can't be trusted. just admit, apologize, appeal then hope for the best. no more lies. yes it is hard to find job, but the action that you are taking right now is irresponsible and will only create more trouble for you in future.

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Just tell them you just found out...

it's okay. 5 months is still somewhat okay to not notice 😂

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