Hi Pap I did not have any swelling during preg but had swelling post delivery. Was told by gynae to prop up my legs. I wore compression socks at night as well. Was told by my mother in law only can drink red dates tea and should not drink plain water. Within 1 week, my swelling went away but mine was not as severe as yours...
normal. had mine lasted for 2-3weeks and subsided. i cant even lift up my legs lol never been that heavy, even during pregnancy i didng swell that much. just dont drink cold drinks. but drink alot of water and pee!! to counteracts the swell. take care mummy ❤️😘
That happened to me after post c sect due to water retention. No cold drinks at all for my entire confinement period and compression socks. Also walk a bit and do post natal massage.
Yeap, i was just like you too. It went away gradually after 2 weeks or so. In the meantime, wear socks all the time, prop legs up when sitting or lying down on the bed. Take care...
Refrain from all cold drinks for at least a month, get hubby to help gently massage ur feet or use feet massager if have.
Mine also swelling only after delivery. Resolved 2 weeks later. Had bad hives also . Never had hives in my life
Wear thick or compression socks if u have. Swelling will go down in 1-2 days time. It did for me.
Don't drink cold drinks. Best if your partner or anyone can help massage your legs and feet.
My swelling went away after delivery but i developed bad allergy for weeks thereafter.
I had that too, resolved by itself within the first week.