First scan

Hey mommies. Just wondering at how many weeks did you go for your first scan to see baby? Planning to get a referral to NUH from poly soon.

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I miscalculated based on my LMP as my ovulation was much later, went at 4th week no yolk sac. Was asked to return later, 7-8weeks will be more ideal as you can see more (even baby heart beating). But in the meantime any spotting or bleeding go earlier.

8 weeks & after! That's when everything is clear. For NUH referral, your 1st scan may be much later depending on their slots so better to book now. I went to poly at 6 weeks pregnant and got my 1st scan in NUH at 10 weeks.

I got a referral to NUH from poly and my first scan and appt was only at 12 weeks. It depends on their schedule really.

i went at 9 weeks .. cau the gyna i wanted dun have any slot .. but still ok .. managed to hear faint heartbeat :)

I went on my 8th week and able to hear the heartbeat. Many suggest seeing the gynae around this week :)

I went on my 6th week! Able to see baby alr. NUH Dr got me to come back on the 8th week for follow up.

I did at 7 weeks! However there wasn’t much to see, I personally think 8 weeks would be better (:

I got it done in 7 week but baby's heart beat was faint. I think 8 week would be better.

Just went for my first check up at 8th week and was able to see baby’s heartbeat :)