Just want rant

Hi mommies, what time do you all usually bath your child? If it was morning, my child is 20mths old. Just like today, he woke up at 9.30am, and I bathe him at 10am...is it not right? It goes like this after I bathe him, my MIL said to him, eh thought he had eaten his breakfast, then I said he just woke up not long ago. And what she replied was he just woke up and you bathe him so early, want him to get sick again is it? Is it wrong to bathe him after he woke up? #advice #help #irraitatingMIL

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Hey there! Bath time routines can vary from family to family, and there's no one-size-fits-all answer. It sounds like you're doing what works best for you and your little one. Bathing your child after they wake up is absolutely fine, especially if it's part of your morning routine. At 20 months old, your child's immune system is getting stronger, and a morning bath can be a refreshing start to the day. As long as your child is comfortable and happy, there's no need to worry about them getting sick from bathing after waking up. It's understandable that you might feel frustrated by your MIL's comments, but ultimately, trust your instincts as a parent. You know your child best. If bathing in the morning works for you and your little one, then go for it! If you ever need support or advice, we're here for you. Keep doing what's best for your family, and don't let anyone else's opinions shake your confidence. You're doing great! 🌟 Mama's Choice $18 voucher 👉🏻 https://invl.io/cll6she

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