Food Aversion Help

Hi mommies, today I am week 16 and still vomiting... There are so many basic food smells that I can't tolerate. It started with just garlic which was already bad enough as most foods contain garlic... But recently it has become that almost all meats and even eggs taste funny to me. I can't stand fried foods and smoky smell even like when water is boiling or toasted bread. But I am so hungry, if I don't eat a proper meal on time I vomit too. Anyone else going through food aversions? All the mommies around me never had eating problems like me. #firstbaby #advicepls #pleasehelp #foodaversion

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I'm 10 weeks today and have food aversion too. Same like you, ill vomit if I don't eat, I'll also vomit even if I eat. I'll make sure the least I can do is keep myself hydrated and have fruits instead. Water tastes disgusting to me now, so I'll have fruits that are juicy like fragrant pears or watermelon. Meiji plain crackers would help too.

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