3 Replies

really useful info on healthhub here: https://www.healthhub.sg/live-healthy/1227/baby-getting-ready-for-solids for my baby the first food we introduced was mashed up banana as it's natural, soft so easy to puree. whatever puree that we introduced for him, we also let him hold a big piece of the fruit/food for exploration. recently his PD also recommended natural or greek yoghurt as one of the foods we can introduce. 100% blw gives me anxiety as I'm worried about choking and also the mess 😖 but I do intend to let him feed himself more as he grows older maybe around 9 months when he has better control over chewing & swallowing

would recommend you to start on easier foods that are smooth and mashed. like fruits and vegetables - puréed broccoli/carrot/apple. or puréed blueberries if you don’t want to steam. most mummies mix purées with BM or FM. before moving on to steamed solids like steamed broccoli for baby to hold. hold off on meat first until you can see baby’s interest and practice with eating solids. start with small amounts.. don’t need to rush into it. don’t start on yoghurt so soon, closer to one year of age because there’s usually more sugar content in yoghurt. solidstarts website has a lot of info and research, go have a read.

Start with plain nestums first or porridge. If they dont want to eat anything dont force. Slowly they will get used to it. Try baby bites. They love that. I know that is just a snack but it preps them for solids.

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