Coconut water.

Hello mommies! Can pregnant women drink Coconut Water or Tea during pregnancy?

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Yes absolutely! Nutritious and helps if plain water is a bit tough/bore to drink only

Thành viên VIP

Coconut water better to take after 6th month.. tea is fine twice a day not more than tht

Thành viên VIP

I took in my last trimester cos I was afraid that it might be too cooling prior to that!

Tea in moderation is ok. For coconut water, i only start drinking in my last trimester

Thành viên VIP

Tea is fine, just watch the caffeine. I drink coconut water from 7th month onwards.

I seldom drink plain water unless with med. Everymorning a cup of hot tea is my flv.

5y trước

Hi what kind of tea? Is it milktea? Herbal tea?or lipton tea

Yes coconut water is great but drink in moderation. I drink it once every fortnightly

Thành viên VIP

My OB says coconut water is good for the baby, but avoid drinking tea.

Thành viên VIP

can as long as u don't over do it like drink every meal or every day its no problem

Coconut water from week 38 to be safe! I drank tea in moderation and avoid coffee.