46 Các câu trả lời

Hello po! I'm using Cherub wipes for my 6 months old baby and ang diaper po niya is Huggies Dry po.

pampers diapet and pampers wipe may ganun na pala hehhe nkita ko lang pero ang mahal


Huggies diaper Wipes: Nursy, Giggles or any sis bsta unscented ska paraben free

Mamy poko and organic baby wipes mula sa panganay ko up to now sa 2nd baby ko

Pampers and baby nursy or giggles for wipes yan gamit ko sa 2kids ko.

I have Moby water wipes, Pampers premium wipes and Pampers na diapers

EQ sis and tender ung cotton ang gamit ko sa first baby ko

farlin baby wipes huggies baby dry or pampers baby dry

Huggies and nursy wipes yung binile ko sis 😊

uni love wipes ung unscented diaper sweet baby

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