12 Các câu trả lời

I also had this just yesterday and I went straight to the doctor. She increase my dusphathon intake and gave me an injection. Baby is doing fine but I have to work from home since yesterday. Cannot go out and just rest till week 12. Best is straight head to your doctor to check. Hope this helps. I’m 9 weeks btw.

check with doc..some people normal some people not..majority not normal..tp kalau sy its normal..doc kata darah lama..up to 1 week dia stop sndiri..as long baby ok..masuk trimester 2nd alhmdulillah dah takda..my fren jenis start preggy until 3rd trimester keluar darah ketul..lain org lain..so better check doc asap

kalau boleh p check, sebb sy dlu sblom nk keguguran pon kluar mcm ni, klaw p klinik nampak kantung apa dpa bgy ubat kuat rahim

Not normal. See doctor. Get scanned and take medicine. Increase bed rest. Do not stand or walk for too long.

VIP Member

Immediately go to the emergency department. Dont wait. Just in case, be prepared mentally & physically.

saya pernah mengalami nya setiap hari akan pantau spotting camtu.....mmg akhirnya tiada rezeki saya....

Dr cakap x normal. Sy macam ni juga masa 7w sampai 9w, doktor bagi ubat kuat rahim duphaston.

spotting koko takda dah lepas consume ubat. Ahad ni baru nk follow up scan, tgh berharap baby okey inshaAllah nt sy update balik

terus pergi klinik ntk kpastian.. so pihk klinik dpt pastikn ok atau perlu rujuk pakar

saya ritu pon mcm ni.. memulaa warna coklat cair sgt.. ape2 sis rujuk doktor ye..

just go to hospital

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