Bikini Line RAshes

Hi Mommies, Im 36 Weeks Pregnant, And Im Having Rashes On My Bikini Lines, Its So Irritating And Bit Painful, I Already Tried Putting Talc And Prickly Heat powder but it doesn't work, does any one experienced like this during your pregnancy? What is the best remedy?

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maybe normal sebab time saya pregnant 35 week , naik kulit kering yang menghitam and gatal dekat area leher . lepas tu masuk minggu ke 37 kaki saya naik biji air gatal gatal tu banyak . lepas bersalin minggu ke 38 tu , elok hilang sendiri . biji air tu pun kering dan hilang sendiri

mayb can avoid panties but prefer boxer briefs

5y trước

thanks mommy i will try it