What are your symptoms before you get +ve result?

Hi all mommies! I need to ask for your opinion, I'm having cramps for almost a week now with sticky white discharge (sorry tmi), increase in appetite, migraine and backache. Bila saya check upt, it always come out -ve. Now I'm very sad. I have irregular period but even when I'm about to period or ovulation, I never had such symptoms. Dan saya dah consume folic acid about two weeks now. Adakah ianya effect dari folic acid? or has anyone pernah mengalami situasi like that macam saya then end up got +ve? I hope I'll get good news as I'm already 30 and just got married two months ago. Have a good day, mommies!

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Menangis over silly things. And it tooks whole night to recover. Esok pagi bangun pun still sedih meleleh2 air mata. Padahal bila fkir balik takde ape pun. Letih lesu bila jalan rasa nak seret je. Badan rsa nak melepet jeee. Perut rasa bloated. Tapi dah makan. Bila skip meal sekejap je pun, dia punya menggigil tu bole bawa pitam. Takda selera nak makan, tapi akan ada rasa nak mkn satu2 benda ni like real bad bila lapa. And kalau tak dapat, sampai ke sudah la tahan gigil2 wpun da makan makanan lain. 😁

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As for me when I just got married my period becomes irregular for the first few months. The upt shows negative result even when I've missed my period for nearly 2 months and I have cramps and spotting. Then it regulates as usual and after a few months of trying I keep on testing upt when I missed my period.

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Cramps . Plik sbab periodlike cramp smggu awal. Cramp plak mcm senggugut.. then i feel something is not right . Tested upt 1 day before due period and naik 2 line kabur.. mmg terkejut. Sbab sblum ni tested xpnah naik ape2 line... alhamdulillah dah pregnt 11 weeks now

This pregnancy, I had emotion unstable symptoms hahaha went berserk to small things, even got mad to in laws :o and had fight with my dear husband for it. Then took test, I am positive ^0^ wish you all the best. Take the test. Hopefully you are positive as well.

Macam saya pening melampau, pagi bangun migrain, waktu tu belum missed period lagi so tak expect pun pregnant, pergi klinik sebab terlampau pening dekat seminggu macam tu, doc buat urine & blood test, dia kata 3 weeks pregnant. Huhu

2 weeks xda selera makan.. Pinggul sakit mcm salah urat sampai jalan pun kena slow. Then asyik mengntuk je.. Bila cek upt, alhamdulillah +ve 5weeks da.. Tau je ada isi. Morning sickness terus.. 3 months mkn bskut kering. Hahaha.

Craving yg teruk 😂 berat naik, moody and asyik marah2 (mcm nk period), penat yg melampau.. bdn sentiasa panas n spoting bfore period date.. missed period..

Thành viên VIP

Cramps and bloating, but a slight different feeling from the usual period menstrual cramps

Cramp most of the time. My abdomen. Like cramp during period.

Super Mom

Me.. back ache.. bloating.. cramp..