7 Replies

Yeah aspirin is normal for higher risk pregnancies. Just follow the dosage prescribed by your doc. I’ve been on 100mg Aspirin since 15 weeks and now I’m 36 weeks. My appt is tmr (14 July) and I think doc will ask me to stop taking Aspirin. I had post-delivery complication (preeclampsia) for my firstborn and my BP was relatively higher than normal during my first few visits for my current pregnancy that’s why doc prescribed me with Labetalol (for BP higher than 140) and Aspirin. So far my baby’s growth has been normal. I’ve also been eating durian a lot lately, now I’m just afraid he’s getting too big too quickly. Hahaha. Do ask your dr if you’re worried.

VIP Member

I had preeclampsia during my last pregnancy, started after week 32, took aspirin but didnt control the bp, still ard 165. This round they start me on aspirin from week 12 though my bp is normal after childbirth. I think its to play safe in case my bp shot up again. Aspirin is safe during pregnancy.

Hi my first born I was given aspirin until 36 weeks bec they saw that the blood connectin to my Lo was abit constricted. My Lo is jus fine what affected was my birth plan had ti Cs due too much blood during IE

I was also on aspirin during my pregnancy due to my bp. You should follow the doc’s advise..the aspirin should stop around your third tri. It’s alright and my baby is born healthy!

dr gave me during my first check up.. i took a few days then i stop liao cos dont feel good and comfortable..

Thanks for the replies and assurance! Very much appreciated!

Super Mum

Aspirin is common. No issues with baby growth

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